What We're All About!


Unveiling a Smarter Tomorrow

Greetings from the heart of Auckland, New Zealand! We are not just a brand; we are the architects of a wallet revolution – welcome to the world of smart wallets and accessories, where innovation meets elegance.

At Unit1, we embarked on a mission to redefine the very essence of wallets. We've bid farewell to the clunky relics of the past that your dad used to lug around, ushering in a new era of sleek, minimalistic, yet profoundly functional wallets. We're here to make wallets better again, leaving behind the unnecessary bulk and embracing the future.

Crafting the Future of Wallets: Smart, Sleek, and Purposeful

Our passion for innovation is embodied in each of our products. We've harnessed cutting-edge technology to create smart wallets that seamlessly integrate with your lifestyle. Say goodbye to the jumble of cards and receipts – our wallets are designed to simplify your life.

But we're not just about wallets; we're about a lifestyle. Introducing our expanding merchandise range, because style and functionality should extend beyond the confines of your pocket. From everyday essentials to statement pieces, we've got you covered.

Auckland Roots, Global Vision

Based in the vibrant heart of Auckland, our roots run deep. We're not just a business; we're a community-driven force with a purpose. Our commitment goes beyond crafting exceptional products; we are dedicated to giving back to the community that has nurtured us.

Empowering Our People, Empowering Our Community

At Unit1, we believe in the power of community. Our social outreach programs are more than initiatives; they are a commitment to empowering the people around us. From education to skill development, we strive to make a positive impact, one community project at a time.

Join the Movement: Where Style Meets Purpose

We invite you to join us on this journey – a journey where style meets purpose, where innovation meets tradition, and where wallets are not just accessories but statements. Explore our smart wallets, dive into our merchandise, and be a part of a community that believes in making a difference.

Thank you for being a part of the Unit1 story. Together, let's carry more than just wallets; let's carry a vision for a smarter tomorrow.

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